My letter to the Québec Liberal Party concerning tuition fees

Hello Mr. Gagnon,

As a resident of your riding, I would like to raise my voice to say the Liberal government’s position on the tuition fees is causing far more trouble that it is solving.

While the violence around the protests is unacceptable, so too is the government’s unbelievable inflexibility. The government seems to treat over 150 000 citizens in the streets as a small detail that should not affect its policies. Who else has ever brought that many Quebecers together?

From the start, the Liberal government should have spread the tuition hike over a longer period – perhaps 10 years. Making one generation of students pay for the entire hike was inevitably going to upset them.

I implore your party to resolve this situation which has become unacceptable. The current state of affairs is an embarrassment for Québec and the Liberal party. From Lafontaine and Baldwin in 1848 to today, Canada prides itself on a peaceful and responsible government – it’s high time the Liberal Party try and live up to that history.


Jonathan Brun
+1 514.712.0637

Find your representative at Represent by Open North and send them a letter today.

Published on April 26, 2012