Most Inspirational Motivational Videos

For when you are feeling down and want something to lift your spirits, check out these very inspirational and motivational videos. Let me know what I missed out and I will add it.

Ben Zander at Davos 2008 (10 minutes)

Ben Zander at Davos 2009 (78 minutes)

Ben Zander at TED 2008 (20 minutes)

Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan with Videos (5 minutes)

Gary Vaynerchuck at Web 2.0 (20 minutes)

Compilation of movie moments (2 minutes)

Rocky 6 Motivational speach (3 minutes)

Jill Bolte Taylol on having a stroke and oneness with the universe (TED 20 minutes)

Famous talk by Hans Rosling on the improvment in the world (TED 20 minutes)

Miniature earth video – if the world were a village (5 minutes)

Published on March 15, 2010