Change of Mind

Only donkey’s don’t change their mind. In that light, I am trying to maintain a list of issues and things where I have changed my thoughts. The list is likely much longer than what I can think of here and I hope to write a blog post on each of these someday.

  1. I changed my position on prostitution. I went from supporting legalization to advocating for its abolition.
  2. I have changed my position on basic income. I went from supporting it to promoting a federal job guarantee.
  3. On Québec independence, I went from thinking it was crazy to thinking it may make sense (under certain conditions).

To be perfectly honest I have not changed my mind on that much. I still believe in that society should aim for democratic decision making, sustainable use of resources and the focus on technological advancement based on equal opportunity and support for all members of society.

Published on March 20, 2021