Brief Update
I have not had much time to update the blog lately. In the past month, I have travelled a lot. A trip to Washington D.C. for a wedding, which was visited by non other than hurricane Irene. The hurricane stranded us on an island with no power for 24 hours, but good times were had by all and it was a most memorable wedding! That was followed by a business trip to Philadelphia to present the use of iPads in the auditing world and the role of technology in the workplace. Then a nice long weekend in New York City where I managed to try some amazing food and visit Harlem and other parts of the city I had not yet seen. Lastly, we took a Montréal Ouvert trip up to Québec City.
In Québec, Jean-Noé Landry and I had the privelege to present open data to the Assemblée Nationale. We have been working insanely hard on Montréal Ouvert for 14 months now, so the the trip to Québec was definitly a personal highlight. Deputies, public servants and other great people came to meet us and discuss open-data. In partnership with the Gautrin Public consultation group, we presented in the Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine (a personal hero of mine) meeting room; the participants were very welcoming to the open data and will hopefully become enthousastic champions (our presentation is here). During the same trip, Jean-Noé and I managed to participate in the launch of Capitale Ouverte.
Capitale Ouverte is a citizen initiative for open data for the city of Québec and was inspired by the hard work done at Montréal Ouvert. With an open data policy and portal on the horizon for Montréal, I hope it will not be long before we see one at the provincial level and for Québec city.
Read more at the Montréal Ouvert Blog.
Published on September 18, 2011